Welcome to Reveal Magazine – Winter 2020
It’s here! The first issue of Reveal Magazine is on newsstands now. When we first talked about creating a magazine, we wanted it to reflect our designs: something new that feels like home. We still get excited right before we open the doors to reveal a family’s new dream home. That’s the feeling we get when we open Reveal, too—but this time, we get to experience it with you!
In the premier issue, we visit with friends and loved ones as they reveal meaningful places and moments in their lives. One of our favorite parts of the issue is the advice from our parents, Jim and Joanne. Seeing Mom and Dad put their words to paper makes us unspeakably proud, and reminds us of how they and JD, our older brother, always have been behind everything we do.
We also learned how to have fun at home, so we’ve given our own tips on how to hold a rocking game night and serve up a dinner party that will impress your friends with its name alone (say it with us: raclette). We also get to share fun stories, like the time Zooey Deschanel accidentally entered a pageant. And we’ve started a list of what we’re enjoying right now, from podcasts to celebrations to new ways to be sustainable.
Throughout every page of Reveal, we hope there’s some idea, phrase or design that catches your eye, sticks in your mind and reveals itself to you in a unique and inspiring way. We stuffed the first issue full of inspiring designs in amazing homes across the country (and threw in a beautiful hotel in Mexico, for good measure). The designers at Casaza took an actual reader’s bedroom and presented three distinctive looks full of their personal design touches. And you know us: we’re always good for tips on how to style a room, find a comfy sofa, or renew an old classic piece of furniture.
So, before we forget: thank you. Thank you for inviting us into your homes since the premiere of Property Brothers nine (!) years ago, and thank you for extending the invitation once again with Reveal. We look forward to sharing more reveal moments with you in this first issue and all along the way!
Pick up a copy of our Winter 2020 issue now on newsstands everywhere, and subscribe to receive quarterly inspiration right to your mailbox!
Best of the Bros
We’ve curated the best of the Bros, including their tips, tricks, interviews, episode recaps, and more… all in one place. Keep reading for show news, updates about our products, inspiration from Drew and Jonathan’s renovations (and their homes!),
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