Letter from the Editors
In the third issue of Reveal, we’re taking time to find moments of calm amid long-overdue change.
When we look back at the photos from our cover photo shoot back in January, we remember that it was a typical jam-packed day. We remember that we were surrounded by nature. And we’re reminded again to slow down and count our blessings.
In many ways, it’s a blessing to recognize how different the world was just six months ago. As uncomfortable, uncertain and heartbreaking current events are, it’s important to acknowledge the strength of community and the collective shift that is happening right now, while realizing so much of it is long overdue. More importantly, we must not be mere observers of this shift, but active participants.
Family always has been at the foundation of everything we do. We are ALL family. And when injustice is done toward anyone—regardless of skin color, religion, gender or any other characteristic that makes each of us unique and special—it is an injustice toward the whole of humanity. That’s why we believe Black Lives Matter. We believe that we are all equal and that every one of us deserves justice, equality and respect. It is now on us to show the work, holding ourselves accountable to uplift and empower Black voices.
Like many of you, we have sought out and shared resources we have found helpful on our social media accounts. And as we continue to grow together, let’s also take the time to celebrate one another and be thankful for life lessons learned:
• We are more thankful for the everyday heroes who walk among us.
• We have gotten to know our neighbors (and their dogs).
• We are more aware of the needs in our communities and more generous with our time and resources.
• We have formed closer relationships with each other and our homes.
Let’s keep the momentum going, and also check in on ourselves. Sometimes, it’s the last thing on our minds: the need to chill and take a breath. Now more than ever, we might be putting ourselves on the back burner, when we all deserve a measure of peace: a chance to gaze at the stars, to put the phone away, to listen to what our minds and bodies are saying, or plan for a weekend that allows us to be our best selves when we return to the important work.
Our latest issue of Reveal gives a chance to do that and more. To parents everywhere, share in Jessica Alba and Cash Warren’s comfort of being OK with not having all the answers all of the time. To anyone finding yourself stuck, take a page out of Judy Greer’s “Life Unscripted” and treat your home as the vessel through which you nurture and maintain your relationships. And to anyone who just needs a little direction on how to find calm, we have 20 ways to help you do just that.
We are undergoing a formative experience unlike any other in our lifetimes. We will work, we will listen, we will speak up. And when we are tired, we will give ourselves space to rest, recover and replenish each other so that we have the fuel to keep going.
Follow along! @mrdrewscott @mrsilverscott @revealmag
By Drew & Jonathan Scott | Photographs by Jesse Deflorio
This article originally appeared in the Summer 2020 issue of Reveal, Drew & Jonathan’s lifestyle magazine.