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See the Photos From Drew and Jonathan’s Day With Habitat for Humanity

Happy birthday, Drew and Jonathan! 

Drew and Jonathan have supported Habitat for Humanity for over 25 years, working alongside the organization to raise awareness and bring affordable housing to families in the US and around the world. The brothers know how important it is to have a happy, stable home, and they’re passionate that everyone should have access to that experience.

So to celebrate their 45th birthdays this year, Drew and Jonathan gathered with volunteers and other familiar faces (Hi, Linda and Parker!) to help build a home on Habitat LA’s Isabel Villas development in Los Angeles. They had a great day of working hard and playing hard… and snacking on cupcakes. Hey, it’s their birthday after all!  Take a peek inside the action by scrolling through the best moments of the day and don’t forget to wish Drew and Jonathan a happy birthday! And if you really want to give them something special this year, consider supporting Habitat by donating, volunteering, or advocating for them here.

Nikki, a Habitat for Humanity homeowner, stopped by the site to share the powerful story of how her home changed her life. The single mom was living in an uninhabitable house with her children—the roof had caved in, there was no hot water, and it was overcrowded. But after working with Habitat, Nikki was able to give her family safety, peace of mind, and a place they can call their own.

They can have their cake and eat it, too! The brothers shared some cupcakes with the group. Now who’s gonna tell Jonathan he has those candles backwards…

It’s not all fun and desserts, though. Here, Jonathan is working alongside other volunteers to apply siding to the home’s exterior.

Linda’s not afraid to get her hands dirty. Speaking of birthdays, did you know Linda’s was just last week, too?

Let’s not forget our littlest construction worker. Baby Parker also stopped by to support Habitat for Humanity. His main contribution? Cuteness.

Some things never change… including that Drew will always photobomb Jonathan while he’s hard at work. 

Say “drywall!” Drew and Jonathan pose with members of Linda’s family, their Scott Brothers Global team, and Habitat LA team who all supported the build. It was an amazing day!

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