Drew and Linda’s Second Baby Is Here!

Congrats are in order for Drew and Linda: Baby number two is here!
They welcomed their daughter Piper Rae on May 21, and everyone is doing great. “We are over the moon,” Drew says. “Piper is healthy, Linda is healthy, and seeing Parker excited to be a big brother is adorable.”
But like any first-time sibling, it’s going to take Parker some time to get used to his new duties. “He’s curious, helpful, and maybe a little jealous,” Drew says. “We got him his own baby doll so he can take care of his baby while we take care of ours.” Add that to the list of Drew’s clever parenting hacks…

And even though Drew and Linda are seasoned toddler wranglers by now, this is their first foray into being girl parents. “It’s actually quite funny, I get a lot of mixed advice about being a girl dad,” he says. “Some people say that it’s the best thing, and others are warning me to look out. All I know is I am excited to experience whatever is to come with Piper.”

It’s good he’s up for the challenge, because Piper is already keeping Drew on his toes! “I was proud that in the past two years, Parker had never peed on me while changing him,” he says. “Piper has already peed on me twice!”
Drew and Jonathan’s parents, Linda’s sister and children, plus Jonathan and Zooey have all met Piper. “We’re really excited for JD and Annalee and Linda’s other siblings to meet her!” Drew says. Though he is wondering if Piper will have the same reaction to Jonathan as Parker does.

“Parker thinks Jonathan is the funniest human in the world,” he says. “I’m curious to see if Piper thinks the same.”
There’s so much to look forward to as parents of two, but mainly Drew and Linda are excited to just be in the moment with their little ones. “We really want to be as involved as possible in their early years,” he says. “Playing, adventures, school activities, coaching, whatever they love. We’ll be there.”
Congrats again to the whole family!